PRIVACY POLICY - S&S Wholesale Pty ltd


S&S Wholesale Pty Ltd (The Company) seeks to protect the privacy of individuals through the protection of personal information in accordance with the relevant Privacy Principles. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that data collected is stored, retained, made accessible for use and re-use and/or disposed of according to legal, statutory and ethical requirements.

This policy applies to all personal information collected by The Company. Examples of personal information includes names, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses and fax numbers. It explains why information is collected, the use of collected information as well as how individuals may access their personal information. Personal information is collected by The Company primarily for contacting individuals if the need arises and in the case of customers, to deliver goods.

The Company will collect information in a lawful, unobtrusive and fair manner. Persons will be informed as to why the data is being collected, what it will be used for, the consequences of not supplying it (if applicable) and their right of access to, and correction of the information. We will ensure that every precaution is taken to ensure data is complete, accurate and up to date.
Please note, Government identifiers such as Tax File Numbers, Licence details, passport information and Medicare numbers will not be collected.

Personal information collected by The Company including information collected about students, teachers, customers, staff, contractors etc is not disclosed to a third party without the individuals consent except in the case of an emergency or exceptional circumstances such as a legal requirement. In this case, the Managing Director or delegated person may authorise the release of personal information.

Security and Access to Information
An individual may request access to their personal information or request amendments so that it is accurate, complete and correct. When an individual’s personal information is no long required for the purpose it was obtained, The Company will take reasonable steps to remove or destroy the personal information. In some instances, personal information will be stored on client files.
Our administrative and record management systems and data storage facilities are current, accurate and stored in a way that protects it from misuse, loss, theft and unauthorised access. All data collected will stored securely on the company’s server, back up tapes and an external hard drive. Any hard copy will be stored securely.

Users of any websites associated directly with S&S Wholesale are covered by the same policy principles. For online activities, The Company enacts the following to protect personal information;
1. No credit card details (ie numbers and expiry dates) are kept online. Some credit card details are kept as a requirement of the bank in relation to auditing and invoice financing. Once these have been viewed by the bank they are destroyed.
2. A persons or business’s credit card details are not used for any other purpose than originally intended. Names and addresses are sometimes kept to ensure all transactions are processed correctly and the appropriate service is delivered.
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