*COLLINS DRAMA SERIES BOOK:STEP BY WICKED STEP. Beautifully written play featuring scripts from renowned contemporary writers designed to engage and inspire students. This play offer a good combination of female and male roles. Perfect for school performances or drama class activities. |
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*COLLINS NATIONAL THEATRE PLAY:SCARY PLAY. Commissioned by the National Theatre, this series encourages students to consider contemporary themes and issues. Staging suggestions and classroom activities provide an easy-to-apply professional support and enrich student learning. Scary Play: A group of 11 year old mates have a sleepover. As nights comes, the kids indulge in an old age pastime - scaring the lving daylights out of each other. |
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CL0127509 |
#PLAYS FOR PHYSICAL THEATRE BOOK. By Angie Farrow. Plays for Physical Theatre is made up of 3 plays: New Zealand Lamb, After Kafka and Speed of Light. The plays are suitable for young adult performers and audiences. They were written to appeal to a broad spectrum of age groups but will be particularly appropriate for Years 10, 11 and 12 students, as well as those studying theatre at tertiary level. Each play is accompanied by extensive production notes that provide study suggestions and ideas to stimulate the rehearsal process. The notes in Plays for Physical Theatre provide advice and information on the following topics: How the plays were written; Understanding the plays themes and metaphors; Approaches to characterisation; Ideas for staging; Use of theatre space; Keeping the rehearsal process alive and building the audience-performer relationship. |
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CL0178303 |
#NELSON DRAMA FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS. By David Roy. A complete guide to acting for all Year 9 and 10 students of Drama in Australia. The vibrant and lively text will demonstrate to students how they can excel, while revealing how rewarding and fun Drama is to study. It takes students through important skill of building, performing and evaluation and looks at the process for developing play building from stimulus and various forms of acting skills and styles. It introduces students to analysis techniques in approaching a script or improvised performance and covers the rehearsal process from various viewpoints - that of an actor, a director, and an individual. It covers all key theatre production skills and offers practical examples, like how to combine these production skills to a finished, final performance. The text also analyses the need for evaluation of performance and the skills required to evaluate successfully. |
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CL0198134 |
#DRAMACTIVE BOOK 2 By Madonna Stinson, Debbie Wall. This text is written to meet the requirements of the lower secondary Drama syllabus. From Asian theatre forms to theatre for young people, the text includes many examples of current practice from a range of contemporary theatre practitioners. With similar syllabus statements in many states of Australia, this text will be an invaluable resource for any student completing Drama studies in Years 9 or 10. |
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CL0214919 |
#ACTING IN PERSON AND IN STYLE IN AUSTRALIA. By Carol Wimmer, Jerry L Crawford, Catherine Hurst, Michael Lugering. This is an exciting Australian adaptation of the highly successful Acting in Person and in Style student book from the USA. The text incorporates discussion of Australian playwrights, plays and productions and includes a new section on Australian theatre from 1789 to the present day. The innovative design and updated images make the text easy to follow and stimulating for student use. |
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CL0259620 |
#DRAMACTIVE BOOK 1. By Madonna Stinson, Debbie Wall. This text has been written to meet the requirements for the Lower Secondary Drama syllabus. This is the first in a two-book series. There is a strong emphasis in this text on students learning through making drama of a particular form. With similar syllabus statements in many states in Australia, these texts will be invaluable for any student completing Drama studies in Years 7, 8 or 9. |
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CL0385381 |
#CENTRE STAGE By Mathew Clausen. A comprehensively updated two-year drama course book suitable for middle secondary students across all states. Through creativity and the development of ideas, students will deepen their appreciation of drama and explore different ways they can perform and evaluate drama. *Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom. |
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CL0419987 |
#LIVING DRAMA STUDENT BOOK. By Bruce Burton Living Drama comprehensively covers all of the content, skills and knowledge senior drama and theatre studies students need. The student book presents authentic industry links (developed with key theatre companies and theatre makers) and assessment support, to develop a range of skills for students, including written skills. NelsonNet resources available. |
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CL7207251 |
#COLLINS NATIONAL THEATRE PLAYS: THE EXAM By Andy Hamilton. The Exam is a funny but serious look at the pressures faced by students today, both at school and at home. The play is accompanied by teaching materials containing fantastic ideas for drama work, as well as other activities designed to answer English Framework and NC objectives. The exam is comic look at the pressures put on young people by parents and teachers. Andrew, Chas and Bea are three candidates of mixed ability who find themselves holed up in the same exam hall waiting for their papers to arrive. As the wait lengthens, each has to survive a powerful barrage of self-doubt, parental pressure and adult incompetence. They must come to terms with themselves, their peers and parents - provoked and helped by 'Ex', the mysterious, disembodied voice of the exam. |
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